Mercyhealth System

Mercyhealth System

Take a virtual site visit of our work Back to main Virtual Site Visits MEDICAL // DESIGN BUILD MERCYHEALTH SYSTEM Expanding office space with 3-story facility PROJECT TYPE Medical Office LOCATION Rockford, Illinois PROJECT NEED A design-build partner for construction...
Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble

Take a virtual site visit of our work Back to main Virtual Site Visits RETAIL // DESIGN BUILD BARNES & NOBLE STORE A fast-track project is a real page-turner of a project PROJECT TYPE Retail Space LOCATION DeKalb, Illinois PROJECT NEED Specific design needs for a...
Columbia Pipe & Supply Company

Columbia Pipe & Supply Company

Take a virtual site visit of our work Back to main Virtual Site Visits INDUSTRIAL // DESIGN BUILD COLUMBIA PIPE & SUPPLY COMPANY Providing full-service design-build solutions that connect an organization’s warehousing, distribution and sales facilities  ...
Ever Ready Pin

Ever Ready Pin

Take a virtual site visit of our work Back to main Virtual Site Visits INDUSTRIAL // DESIGN BUILD EVER READY PIN A growing business looks to Cord for future-proofing solutions. PROJECT TYPEManufacturing and Office BuildingLOCATIONRockford, IllinoisPROJECT NEEDOngoing...
Hennig, Inc.

Hennig, Inc.

Take a virtual site visit of our work Back to main Virtual Site Visits INDUSTRIAL // DESIGN BUILD HENNIG, INC CORPORATE OFFICE HQ & PLANT A company with designs on increasing efficiency and productivity enlists Cord’s design-build capabilities PROJECT TYPE...

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LEED-Accredited for Green Building Construction and Design, Cord Construction is a leader in the successful completion of projects with sustainable construction practices. Green buildings are beneficial for the environment and provide a long-term benefit to building owners and tenants.

Our team includes LEED-accredited professionals and Green Associates who are members of the U.S. Green Building Council and follow the LEED rating system in our sustainable projects.

ASHE-Accredited for Health Care Construction

The Cord Construction team includes ASHE-certificate holders who have the training, knowledge and proven experience to work in the health care construction environment.

Beyond field experience, our team is on top of health care construction trends and regulations, including: design and construction process; Life Safety Code compliance; construction risk assessment; mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems (MEP); medical gas systems; and medical technology.